Client facing example : Key Value Client ======================================== The Key value client (kvClient) is a project we're using to validate the client facing aspects of the Contract project. Its treated like a project that is a user of our code that wants to use every possible feature. Its contracts are held separately in the `kvServerContracts repository `_ in order to share them with kvClient project. Our test examples are written in Spock. Our methods are test framework agnostic. Maven dependency ---------------- To test the client, we require our contract server. .. code-block:: xml org.seekay contract-server 0.0.7 test Features -------- The code to setup a server from a git source is identical for each test case. .. code-block:: import org.seekay.contract.server.ContractServer import org.seekay.kv.client.KvClient import spock.lang.Shared import spock.lang.Specification class ClientBaseSpec extends Specification { @Shared ContractServer server; @Shared KvClient client; @Shared Session session def setupSpec() { server = ContractServer.newServer() .onRandomPort() .withGitConfig('') .startServer() session.setContractServer(server) } } Create ------ Exposes a method allowing creation of a key on the KvServer. The contract and unit test for this functionality is below. .. code-block:: javascript { "request" : { "method" : "POST", "path" : "/kv/pair", "headers": { "Content-Type" : "application/json" }, "body": "{ "key": "age", "value": 27 } }, "response" : { "status" : 201, "body" : { "key": "age", "value": 27 } } } .. code-block:: import org.seekay.kv.client.model.Pair import org.seekay.kv.client.util.ClientBaseSpec class CreatePairSpec extends ClientBaseSpec { def 'a pair should be created and returned on the server'() { given: Pair pair = new Pair( key:'name', value:'create key value pair, test 0001') when: Pair createdPair = client.create(pair) then: createdPair.key == 'name' createdPair.value == 'create key value pair, test 0001' } } Read ---- Exposes a method allowing the reading of a key from the KvServer. The contract and unit test for this functionality is below. .. code-block:: javascript { "request" : { "method" : "GET", "path" : "/kv/pair/weight" }, "response" : { "status" : 200, "body" : { "key": "weight", "value": "220" } } } .. code-block:: import org.seekay.kv.client.model.Pair import org.seekay.kv.client.util.ClientBaseSpec class ReadPairSpec extends ClientBaseSpec { def 'a pair should be created and returned on the server'() { when: Pair createdPair ='weight') then: createdPair.key == 'weight' createdPair.value == '220' } } Update ------ Exposes a method allowing updating of a key on the KvServer. The contract and unit test for this functionality is below. .. code-block:: javascript { "request" : { "method" : "PUT", "path" : "/kv/pair", "headers": { "Content-Type" : "application/json" }, "body": "{ "key": "age", "value": 27 } }, "response" : { "status" : 201, "body" : { "key": "age", "value": 27 } } } .. code-block:: import org.seekay.kv.client.model.Pair import org.seekay.kv.client.util.ClientBaseSpec class UpdatePairSpec extends ClientBaseSpec { def 'a pair should be updatable on the server'() { given: Pair pair = new Pair( key:'height', value:'180') when: Pair updatedPair = client.update(pair) then: updatedPair.key == 'height' updatedPair.value == '180' } } Delete ------ Exposes a method allowing the deleting of a key from the KvServer. The contract and unit test for this functionality is below. .. code-block:: javascript { "request" : { "method" : "DELETE", "path" : "/kv/pair/blood-pressure" }, "response" : { "status" : 204 } } .. code-block:: import org.seekay.kv.client.util.ClientBaseSpec class DeletePairSpec extends ClientBaseSpec { def 'a pair should be delete-able from the server'() { expect: kvClient.delete('blood-pressure') == true } }